
Theano (using GPU) install in Windows 10

Shakeratto 2019. 2. 7. 01:05

1. Install Anaconda3, GPU driver, CUDA, cudnn

2. Run 'cmd' as administrator

3. conda create -n [myenv] python=3.6 anaconda

4. activate [myenv]

5. conda install theano pygpu

(if you got error, try this command: "conda install -c conda-forge pygpu")

6. conda install numpy scipy mkl-service libpython

7. Create a file "C:\Users\[Username]\.theanorc"


floatX = float32

device = cuda0

8. Test code on GPU (cuda0 = first GPU installed on your PC)

[when you got error like below, install old version theano as below]

theano.gradient.NullTypeGradError: tensor.grad encountered a NaN. This variable is Null because the grad method for input 0 (Reshape{2}.0) of the UndefinedGrad op is mathematically

[theano-gpu old version install method]

theano > 1.0.0 --> 0.9.0

pygpu 0.7.6 --> 0.6.9


conda config --append channels conda-forge

conda install mingw