
Video Action Classification using 3D ResNet

Shakeratto 2019. 2. 18. 12:13



1. Install Anaconda and Setup Pytorch (GPU)

2. Download code from Github (

3. Download Pre-trained Model and copy to source code folder (resnext-101-kinetics.pth)

4. Install FFmpeg

   conda install -c anaconda ffmpeg

5. Run a code
python --input ./input --video_root ./videos --output ./output.json --model ./resnext-101-kinetics.pth --resnet_shortcut B  --mode score --model_name resnext --model_depth 101

6. You can get result file (output.json) "segment": [start frame number, end frame number], "label": " "

7. Generate labeled video (Option)
python generate_result_video/ ../output.json ../videos ./videos_pred ../class_names_list 5

(Windows) -- Not Recommend

1. Install Anaconda and Setup Pytorch (GPU)

2. Download code from Github (

3. Download Pre-trained Model and copy to source code folder (resnext-101-kinetics.pth)

4. Download FFmpeg and copy to source code folder

5. Change code ( is for removing and creating folders in linux)

(shutil is need for windows)

import shutil'rm -rf tmp', shell=True)

 --> (Change like this)

  if os.path.exists('tmp'):

     shutil.rmtree('tmp')'mkdir tmp', shell=True)

 --> (Change like this)


6. Run a code

python --input ./input --video_root ./videos --output ./output.json --model ./resnext-101-kinetics.pth --resnet_shortcut B  --mode score --model_name resnext --model_depth 101

7. You can get result file (output.json) "segment": [start frame number, end frame number], "label": " "

8. Generate labeled video (Option) (It's not easy to change the code to run on Windows
   --> You'd better to run a code on Linux