Setup vscode to write LaTeX paper (라텍스 논문 작성)
1. Download Visual Studio Code (vscode) :
2. Install Latex Workshop:
3. Check the manual: vscode - Latex Workshop - Manual - Installation and basic settings
4. Install MiKTeX (Installer version):
5. Install latexmk:
5.1. Install Perl:
5.2. Open MiKTeX - Updates - Update now
5.3. Open MiKTeX - Packages - Search "latexmk" - Install (+)
5.4. Check path : "Environment Variables" of Windows - System Variablees - Path - MiKTeX is added
6. Build latex file
6.1. Open latex file (*.tex) with vscode
6.2. Edit text, for example, enter a blank line except in the comment
6.3. Save (Ctrl + S)
6.4. Building - Package Installation dialogue - Install (You need to install for several times)
6.5. Wait until buid
6.6. After build complete: "Recipe Succeeded"
7. View as pdf file
7.1. Set default viewer: vscode - TEX tab - View LaTeX PDF - Select an option (Browser)
7.2. Viwe LaTeX pdf file (Ctrl + Alt + V)
7.3. (Option) Setup external PDF viewer
7.3.1. Go to configuration - Search "latex-workshop.view.pdf.external.command"
7.3.2. Enter the path of any PDF viewer (In my case, Foxit Reader)
7.3.3. Change default viewer of LaTeX pdf file as 'external viewer'
* Tip1: It is run in anywhere in the PC, even the directory name containing Korean
* Tip2: Check LaTeX Workshop logs: (Ctrl + Shift + U) - Change to "LaTeX Workshop
* Tip3: Do not uninstall Strawberryperl even it takes 500Mb disk space because you can't build the latex file.
* Disk space for MiKTex: about 1Gb, Strawberryperl: about 500Mb